Nautic ehf. was established in 2002 and employs engineers with decades of experience in naval design and engineering. Nautic is a multinational company, with headquarters in Reykjavik.
Our innovative design provides multiple benefits for their owners, operators and crew. The processing deck is completely open in all our vessels, no pillars whatsoever, enabling full freedom to install an optimal process-line layout in our vessels. The ingenious engineering of the superstructures of the vessel provides the required support to enable the completely open processing deck.
Nautic Enduro Bow Design.
The founders of Nautic and Skipatækni have developed the original version of the enlarged bulbous bow concept since the 80´s. Fist introduced on earlier, smaller version on a newbuild in the 90´s. The bulbous bow is logical and can be found on early vessels from the Viking era and across nature in the shape of larger mammals.
The bulbous bow shape, coupled with our anti-rolling implementations provide considerable behavioural improvements to the vessel in rough seas, eliminating slamming, providing softer, smoother, movements to the obvious benefit of crew and catch alike.